When a seed starts germinating, if you want to see what's going on you generally need to look very closely. The same happens for anything that starts to grow, from plant leaves and flowers to fungi and animals. Everything starts in small places. And even when something grows bigger than us, the small places are still there. Not only that, they multiply exponentially. And they could still be a start for anything.
I started taking regularly photos in my little garden during the COVID-19 pandemic, as confinement measures went effective near Barcelona, right before spring began. Since I had already planned a lot of gardening work, and I owned a reasonable digital camera and a macro lens, a little photo diary seemed both a fun incentive and a way to share something with friends. And perhaps to cheer up those who were not lucky to have access to a garden.
Looking closer usually helps to understand others better, which is essential if you intend to take care of them. And you'll want to take care of them, because in these close looks there's alien encounters, lessons, new questions and lots of beauty.
This blog was started to keep some of my photos organized, and to share a little gallery. Whether you're a gardener, a photographer, an explorer, a psychonaut or all of the above, I hope some snapshot will make you want to look a bit closer.
Thanks for visiting,
Joan Manel Vilaseca

I graduated in film in ESCAC, the Catalan superior school of cinema and audiovisuals, and worked for nearly twenty years as an editor and film editing professor. In parallel, following the interest I've always had for natural sciences, I contributed to several internet communities and organizations working in education and research about ethnobotany, sustainability and cultivation.